8月8日からNew Yorkで開催される NY NOWに出展いたします!
NY NOWにご来場の際にはぜひお立ち寄りください。
We will exhibit at NY NOW in New York in August!
This is an exhibition with the cooperation of Real Japan Project Co., Ltd. This is the first time for us to exhibit in the United States.
I am very much looking forward to how the iron stoppers and our popular products will be evaluated.
Please drop in when you come to NY NOW.
Exhibition |
NY NOW ( @ny_now )
会期 : 2021年8月8日(日)~ 11日(水)
開催時間 : 9:00~18:00 ※最終日は15:00まで
出展名:DECO BOKO ( @decobokonyc )
ブース:Accent On Design / Level three 1943
住所:Jacob K.Javits Convention Center
655 west 34th street, New York,NY10001
WEB: https://nynow.com